Anger destroys peace for it makes speech forcible and produces disastrous wars due to swift and sure action.  It causes all sorts of evils.  It discords us from friends and relatives due to a long standing quarrels, enmities, insults, spites, slander, hatred revenge and murder and it also discords us most of all to God due to passionate blasphemy either interiorly or exteriorly.  All these kill charity and are obstacles to grace, our God’s greatest gift.  Besides, anger is committed when we wrangle and quarrel violently with another or when by the sullen expression on our face or by our silence, we show resentment toward someone.  It becomes grave if we harbor bitterness or hatred in our heart for days or even years and if we abstain the marks of kindness and friendship.  We are guilty of anger, once there is an abuse of our authority and punish as inferior more than he deserves. Though, it is legitimate to be in the state of anger if there are injustice and folly.  Yet there is an instance when anger becomes sinful by excess even there is a real cause.  Thus, anger breeds anger because the outburst may be out of proportion to the offence.  Other instance when anger is sinful, when it vents itself in unlawful acts which are violent and excessive with profane languages.  Temper should be guarded for it is a chronic disposition form of anger.