Gluttony is derived from the Latin word gluttirei which means gulp down or swallow. It is a morbid desire of eating or drinking intoxicated or alcoholic drinks too much in all means. An over-indulgence and over consumption of food and drink is detrimental to our health, thus this shortens one’s life span for this causes different diseases due to the abuse of the legitimate pleasure God has attached to eating and drinking. Alcoholism is one of the most widespread evils of our time. It ruins many homes by discord and divorce. It ruins the lives of all who are in its power. It also brings impoverishment, disgrace and starvation to the family. It sometimes makes one “like an animal”, though animals seldom overeat or drink too much. Gluttony is the source of serious obstacles in our spiritual life. It weakens the will and fosters the spirit of laziness, sensuality and impurity. It often results in silliness and vulgar or obscene talk. A glutton person may be a gourmand because he eats or consumes food too quickly or too avidly and he may be a gourmet for being too fastidious and wanting unusual foods and delicacies. In this instance, we may commit small faults by being too finicky or inclined to grumble about food. Sins of impurity are closely allied to gluttony. Thus, the Holy Scripture says, “do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God.” Drunkenness is not confined to the male sex, but has become a common vice among women, in whom it seems all the more degrading. Complete drunkenness is a mortal sin. Incomplete intoxication is less grave. The degree of the sin is in accord with the degree of the disorder. Drugs and narcotics have necessary use in illnesses, but should be taken only under a doctor’s prescription. It is wrong to insist if a person refuses or to offer strong drinks to the young.