Lust is a sexual obsession.  It is an impurity which is a shameful vice.  It is often motivated by jealousy or self-indulgence.  An uncontrolled internal desire breeds hate and rivalry.  Sexual love is God’s gift, thus we have to preserve the virtue of chastity which regulates sensual desires and pleasures for the married with the respect of self control in a perspective of love and absolutely forbid them to unmarried.  The sins of impurity ruin both the soul and the body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit and is certain at the resurrection of the body to be glorified forever.  Impurity blinds us to spiritual values, mind, dims our minds, deteriorates our wills and leads us to place created good before God.  We may commit lust through minds by impure thoughts; eyes by giving in to curiosity, by impure looks at persons, pictures or things, by sinful reading; ears by listening to indecent speech, lewd and suggestive stories, jokes, songs, etc; nose by enjoyment of sensuous odors; mouth by impure words, songs and failure to reprimand evil talk; lips by sensuous kissing; hands by sinful touches, fondling, embraces or other sinful actions; heart by impure desires and failure to suppress impure sensations when unintentionally aroused.  Impurity is habitually followed by other evils.  It causes mental anxiety through fear of future punishment.  It frequently leads to diseases and insanity.  Too frequent association with the opposite sex like going steady without the expectation of early marriage often occasions mortal sins of impurity.