Pride was the first sin committed by Lucifer for he led some angels to revolt against God due to his self-love. Thus, it is considered the gravest sin among the capital sins, for it leads to commit original sin and other capital sins. Moreover, Adam and Eve committed the original sin due to pride. Pride is the first and the greatest sin being committed. Pride makes us ungrateful to God for giving us talents and abilities as gifts. This blinds us to understand others for thinking oneself conceitedly. It is a malady which dominates to each individual. Pride affects ones personality or character for it gets hold of the true knowledge of oneself in order to root out sin and vice from one’s life. There are different kinds of pride which determines one’s personality, namely;
1.1. The pride of ambition
A confident person is self-centered, touchy and easily offended for he obliges to look for fame, praise and admiration. His excessive confidence makes him overestimate his abilities. Yet, he falls in vainglory due to his ambitious pride and his wants to sycophancy and insincerity.
1.2. The pride of superiority and independence
A choleric person possesses the pride of superiority and independence. He shows a strong self-will and controls the lives of others. He is inflexible to others’ opinions and is often haughty, critical, argumentative, inflated with a sense of superiority and inconsiderate to others’ rights. He violates others and to God’s words as well for he being irreverent.
1.3. The pride of timidity
A melancholic person is shy. He conceals under the garb of self-pity and over sensitive, harbor grudges, suspicious and unexpressed hostility. This is frequently unrecognized as pride yet it is.
1.4. The pride of spiritual vanity
A phlegmatic person has the pride of spiritual vanity. He envisions himself to be perfect and acts always upright to reduce their severity or excuse one’s faults when acknowledged. He pretends to be natural, in which case he acts through the whim and interferes in the affairs of others. He wishes to know everything through uninhibited inquisitiveness. He likes to talk always even he does not understands. He may be a cynical too. He speaks ironically and mocks others, scolds and misjudges them.