Sloth is a sin against charity because it prevents the mind to think due to lack of trust in God. It is hatred to religious endeavor which leads to ignore grace. Its worst effect is to delay our return to God after mortal sin. A sloth is too lazy to love God or his neighbor because such love or zeal takes trouble. Sloth produces indifference in God’s service. Sloth habitually goes by the name of ”escapism.” A sloth victim is in spiritual confusion and in spiritual desiccation. Sloth prevents one from working out his salvation because it is the parent of many evils. Failure to store up endless virtues lessens the advantage in Heaven. Failure to do penance for one’s sins is preparing oneself for a long of Purgatory. There are three chief forms of sloth, namely:
1.1. Occupation with unnecessary things
This form of sloth has been adequately touched upon above the explaining how we redirect ourselves in this way so we have no time to listen to the voice of conscience.
1.2. Distraction
Distraction destroys our collection in prayer, leads to fulfill our spiritual exercise without zeal and attention. It fills us with an overpowering weariness so that we postpone what we should do here and now.
1.3 Spiritual melancholy
Spiritual melancholy bestows the devil power over our soul and is a condition of soul that easily leads to numerous heinous crimes. It fails and deters the effects of the Sacraments. It makes the constructive means of the spiritual life act like poison. Its goal is spiritualized “self-seeking” for we cannot find God and our unhappiness increases; nevertheless we are really so much unconcerned with finding God as with finding His consolations. The spiritually melancholic person is sad, a spiritually disable.